Sunday 25 March 2007


Over the last two weeks the knitting progress has been going somewhat better! I finished the G Rock, STR Socks, these have become a firm favourite, both in knitting them and wearing, I did a slip stitch heel on these, like I did on the spindle socks, this seems to somehow reinforce them, where needed, as it is usually the heel that starts to wear first , here is an action shot, or so to speak, just look at all the colours

Closely examined by Tess, who say they are very nice but would look much better with boots, as that usually means a walk, which she says makes her happy and makes her tail wag!

I finished these, just in time for the arrival of, the much longed for, first kit from the Socks That Rock Club, The idea of these kits is to be mystery to those who joined, so just in case, although I do imagine that everyone who has joined and is likely to be reading this has received theirs by now, I have hidden the photograph behind the link, so not to spoil the surprise for anyone still waiting

Socks That Rock Kit - Package 1

I am really delighted with the goodies in the first package, The kit contains Folder, Dyers Notes, Button Badge, Key chain with emergency yarn, Bumber Sticker, The lovely skein and also not photographed the pattern, I haven't started the pattern as yet, but I have wound the skein into a ball and is already to go, the pattern is toe up and also short row heel, something that I have never done before, but with all the help and advice given on the Kal, I am sure will be a lot of fun! The only thing I was a bit put out by was that DB said I couldn't put the bumber sticker on the car, what a spoilt sport, I think its really because he's worried that someone might try and steal it ;-)

Talking of help,
Roxy yet again, has come to my rescue, and kindly e-mailed me with lots of helpful hints and tips on how to sew and finish, Roxy's garments always have a lovely neat professional finish, something that I would love to be able to achieve, So together on towels and a slight press with the iron, under a damp cloth, we have this so far

I suppose raglan sleeves are the easiest to fit, I might have a look for a pattern of a simple cardigan or something to knit from stash so I can practise with fitted sleeves, as they look like the most difficult, the Caister cardigan that I am planning to make has fitted sleeves, but with stripes, so it wouldn't be good to practise on this as a first attempt.

All that's left with the cropped cardigan is too finish the two knitted bands at the back of the neck, as anyone got any ideas on the best way to get them to join together neatly? and then to sew the button and press stud on. Hopefully for next post I will get DB to take a photograph of me wearing the cardigan, he has far more patience than me with photographs, I'm a more point and click person, then end up with headless shots or pictures of the floor! Although DB said he was actually have difficulty in taking photographs and may have to go on strike, cause his feet are cold, Do you think that's a hint that he is still waiting for a pair of knitted socks? Well I have started the Trekking socks, and am now about six inches up on the cuff, but mindless rounds of rib in black wool is rather tedious, but still only two inches to go to the heel, but guess what, the trekking sock is another short row heel, so it could become rather interesting! I was even more worried though when DB said that he actually like the skein in the STR kit, more than black. Err I don't think that was part of the deal do you?

Well that's all, till next time and hopefully I will have the cropped cardigan finished, and be a bit nearer with the Trekking socks and have started the STR socks too, I can't wait.

Have a nice week, hope the weather gets better, now we have officially started British Summer Time, Hee-Hee!


Kat said...

Finally! I have been checking your blog regularly. The socks are fab, and Tess looks all cute too! Well done you! I am going to attempt my first pair of proper socks soon, so I may have to pick your brain if I get stuck! Happy Summer Time!

Anonymous said...

Love the socks! I can imagine you and Roxy having a special sock dance for knitters with funky toes (a bit like Morris dancing but with yarn and needles perhaps), re the bind off for the back of the neck - maybe try the three needle bind off or even sew the live (unbound stitches matching them each side) for a tidy finish. Failing that, the classy knitting will no doubt be the main attration and no one will notice the back of your neck when you wear it!

Judith said...

Lovely socks and sweater! And I envy you the start of summer. We're having rather nice weather in the middle of the U.S., but it's punctuated with thunderstorms, so it has been unpredictable.

Hugs and good knitting!

Linda said...

I look foreward to seeing your finished, modelled cardi! I was going to suggest the 3 needle bind off too for the back of the neck. A great book for finishing is Finishing Techniques for Handknitters by Jane Crowfoot.

CurlyBrunette said...

I am so glad that the kit FINALLY got to you! I would not have had your patience waiting it out. Dont worry about the short row toes or heel. I never did them before either and the directions (I thought) were very clear and as long as you follow them, you'll be fine. Have fun knitting!

RoxyK said...

Oh the socks are so cool!!! Good job you don't live near me, they might just 'disappear' and poor old Tess would have got the blame ;)

Thank you so much for the mention....blush blush ;)

Poor DB. Cold feet and all that. Best get on with his plain black ones. Definitely don't want those Monsoon going elsewhere!

Mentioned on the wrong post about the 3 needle bind off....oh well ;)

artyfartykat said...

The socks look fab! Bet you can't wait to start on the new STR. I loved the emergency yarn idea!
Tess looks sooo cute!

artyfartykat said...

The socks look fab! Bet you can't wait to start on the new STR. I loved the emergency yarn idea!
Tess looks sooo cute!

MandellaUK said...

It'll be nice to see the cropped cardigan in all its glory! I think I would graft the back of the neck, but simply oversewing would do the job very nicely also.

Love the socks!